IKARI FIRE LANDSInhabited By Suncranes and Nether Class Enderianwings.Brief DescriptionIkari has firey hot flats, volcanos, and geysers. While much of Ikari is dangerous, the volcanic activity creates fertile soil for beautiful forests, flowers and rolling hills. Unlike our world where grass is green as well as the trees, most of Ikaris plants are varying shades of red, blue and purple. Ikari is covered in large canyons, craters, and tall pointy mountains all from acid and dust storms. Volcanos are very common many of the trees, growth, materials, and most resources on Ikari are either immune or highly resistant to lava and fire, the only thing able to penetrate most things in Ikari is a Suncrane's fire, Nether Enderianwings have to use other methods of magic as their fire isn't hot enough it can get up to temperatures close to the surface of our sun.

MYSTINA FORESTSHabited By Grixis and Mystic Enderianwing Classes. Many Uetox also visit for special herbs and flowers to use in their healing potions and salves.Brief DescriptionMystina has old forests of trees that hold magic in their roots, the Grixis are the protectors of these forests, and the Mystics will harvest roots and other magical branches fruits and flowers respectfully from these trees to create magical items like their staffs. There's also expansive flower beds and flora spread across rolling hills. Almost every color imaginable is present in Mystinia, different grasses colored from royal blues, deep pinks, to electric yellows for example.

ADRYOAN CASCADESHabited By Adryniz and Plasmis Classed Enderianwings.Brief DescriptionRock Massif Cathedrals,

WOATHERIS SKY ISLESHabited By Aether Classed Enderianwings.Brief Description

ERENTIS FORESTSHabited By IntoxBrief Description

OBYXEN CAVESHabited By CryxisBrief Description

TWENOTH WOODSHabited By MydnisBrief Description